Comprehensive Preparedness Guide (CPG) 301: Interim Emergency Management Training Guide for Special Needs Populations
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
August 1, 2008
This guide is intended as a tool for State, Territorial, Tribal, and Local emergency managers in the development of emergency operations plans (EOPs) that are inclusive of the entire population of a jurisdiction of any size. It provides recommendations for planning for special needs populations. The recommendations can be implemented now, no matter how much, or how little a jurisdiction has completed up to this point. Creating “the perfect” plan before undertaking steps toward implementing these strategies is not feasible. An emergency manager’s main concern will be to include all essential information in the EOP, developing immediate capabilities, and building capacity over time. This guide offers scalable recommendations to meet the needs of different jurisdictions based on factors such as size, risks, and hazards. A town with a population of 2,000 citizens, for example, will plan differently for special needs populations than will an entire State or urban area. Furthermore, each jurisdiction must decide for itself which responsibilities will be handled at the State level and which responsibilities will be handled at the Local level. The information in this document is universal in its application and tied to national planning policies and guidance such as the National Response Framework (NRF), National Incident Management System (NIMS), and Comprehensive Preparedness Guide 101 (currently under development).
FEMA Special Needs Planning Guide